PGA Merchandise Show – Booths That Stood Out

Most of the THP Readers know that we take our PGA Show Coverage pretty seriously here and walk the entire show floor multiple times to make sure that the people that tune into THP get the most comprehensive coverage of the annual event. In case you missed any of our coverage, you can click here and see exactly what we saw as the THP staff marched the hallways for miles. The PGA Merchandise Show is one place where companies seem to pull out all the stops to bring their brand message to the masses and show off what is coming up for the entire year. Almost all of the companies put on an incredible show, full of displays that mesmerize and showcase their entire product lines to their fullest potential.

However not all booths are created equally and THP wants to give a shout out to 4 booths that stood out for one reason or another and each one was special in their own right. Here are some unusual awards that we feel are necessary for all the hard work that goes into making things “shine”. You can click on each Company Booth Name in green and see all the pictures from their booth.

Never Compromise Booth
The Undeniable Award
Let me see if I understand this…A completely remade brand that is going in a completely different direction, yet has the attention of consumers and enthusiasts everywhere for what appears to be something unique and special? ABSOLUTELY! What does that mean for the booth? It means it was lavish, elegant, spectacular and full of surprises. The Gambler line is amazing, the Dinero line dazzled us, and the entire brand image is sophisticated and the booth conveyed that message perfectly. The attention to detail was perhaps the best THP has ever seen on the show floor and while the equipment shined like it should do, the people behind the brand took the time to educate the world in what should take the industry by storm.

TaylorMade Golf Booth
The Colossal Award
Not being at the PGA Show the previous year was perhaps the biggest news to hit the show in years, yet coming back perhaps was even bigger. How does the company that does things in grand style come back to the show and dazzle the crowd? Sure they were launching the white drivers and forged irons, as well as incredible apparel, footwear and accessories. Those were great launches and produced huge crowds throughout the week. But what made the booth so spectacular was the sheer mass of it. Complete with separate rooms for different lines and their own indoor hitting bay where golfers from around the world got to try out the new equipment. They wanted to make a big return and did so in the grandest of fashions.

Cobra Puma Demo Day Booth
Buzzed in the Morning Award
When you want to make a splash with your inaugural booth at the PGA Show Demo Day, what are the perfect ingredients? Solid equipment, flashy apparel and big crowds are all part of the mix. Then you add in a DJ, some athletes and free beer and you have yourself something unique for a golf demo day booth. That is exactly what the folks at Cobra Puma Golf did this year and it was a big hit. Nothing like beer flowing in the morning of a demo day with people swinging clubs and hanging out with Johnny Damon. Thankfully no Red Sox fans started screaming at him of course and the party was just that, a party. Great planning and even better execution!

Callaway Golf Booth
Faster Than You Award
Sure everybody knows about the Forged Composite material that Callaway and Lamborghini have come together with and how it seems to be working like a charm. But we did not expect to see a Lamborghini sitting in the middle of their booth showcasing the partnership. The Callaway booth showcased speed, performance and technology in a way that THP did not expect going in and combined that with some cool dartboard putting greens that were inviting to the eye.

Wrap Up
There are so many great booths at the PGA Show and the companies put in so much effort to make them what they are. Sometimes they are overlooked as mundane and ordinary and it is our job to make sure that the exceptional get noticed. These four companies took it to another level in their own way to take it up a notch on the show floor (or demo day). We will have a few more in depth looks at some more of the show floor in wrap ups over the next week and of course you can always stay tuned to the most complete coverage on the web right here in the special section of the THP Forum for the PGA Show Coverage.

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