Throwback Thursday – TaylorMade Burner Bubble Driver Shaft

Each Thursday we do a little blast from the past and have some fun with it. In this installment, we thought we would showcase the latest and the greatest from TaylorMade in the year of 1995.

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The Year of 1995
Sheryl Crow Wins Grammy for best Album
Jerry Garcia Passes Away
Braveheart wins Best Picture
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Opens its Doors

Super Bowl – San Francisco d. San Diego (49-26)
World Series – Atlanta Braves d. Cleveland (4-2)
NBA Championship – Houston d. Orlando (4-0)
The Masters – Ben Crenshaw
U.S. Open – Corey Pavin
British Open – John Daly
PGA Championship – Steve Elkington

The TaylorMade Burner Bubble Driver Shaft
The year was 1995 and TaylorMade Golf steps into Orlando, FL in January and unveiled a shaft that would take the world by storm. What appeared to be a major gamble by the company in taking shafts in that direction, became an international success as golfers everywhere were spotted with that little shiny copper finish on the butt end of their driver as it leads into the grip. In my opinion, this became the first time a company had really stepped up with the shaft offering in their driver and marketed them accordingly.

The look of this line set it apart as consumers stepped into stores and surveyed the scene of clubs. The copper head shined just enough to draw attention and that darker shaft with the copper “bubble” took it to the next level. Did it work? You bet it did and some would argue that this driver would still help amateur golfers quite a bit. While shaft technology and manufacturing has improved so much in the last 15 years, if you head over the course on the weekend, you will still see quite a few playing this striking club.

TaylorMade Golf sent over one of these drivers from their archive as well as some cool information from “back in the day”. Did you play this one? What were your thoughts? Check out the discussion on the TaylorMade Burner Bubble right here in the THP forum.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.