The Official Banter Away Thread

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I try. I'm actually wearing a t-shirt at the second, featuring my hero. Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt.

"They are unanimous in their hatred of me. And I welcome their hatred."

FDR was a solid guy, regardless of political affiliation. One of my favorite presidents. Doesn't bump out Teddy Roosevelt though.
Yeah, I might actually sink a putt if I got 2 tries!

I might have a chance too.

Let me know how those wedges work out for you.
Sticky situation right there, but you seem to have handled it right. It wouldn't surprise me if most groups would go with two shots each.

Thanks. We figured we would play it safe.
Did anybody else know that THP had a staff writer who also plays center fullback for Fulham FC in the English Premiership?

Yep, I only pretend to hate soccer.
Soccer soccer soccer soccer

Anything that bloody boring doesn't deserve to go by the name "football", but needs to have a boring name as well, like soccer.

"We have a real barn burner today. Hamburg leads some other European city 1 goal to none, 4 hours into this match".
Come on guys. It's Monday morning coming out of a rough weekend. Can we leave any negative soccer talk out of threads this morning please? :alien:
Come on guys. It's Monday morning coming out of a rough weekend. Can we leave any negative soccer talk out of threads this morning please? :alien:

I always took you for a sympathizer.
Anything that bloody boring doesn't deserve to go by the name "football", but needs to have a boring name as well, like hockey.

"We have a real barn burner today. Hamburg leads some other European city 1 goal to none, 4 hours into this match".

Look at those locks. All Jesse needs is some tribal tattoos and some Umbro's and he's Alexi Lalas.

Your fify disappoints me. Hockey is an incredibly exciting sport if you take the time to learn it and have a favourite team. I can't imagine how anyone could argue it's not. Basically one of the only sports where the tempo is up for nearly the entire game.
Your fify disappoints me. Hockey is an incredibly exciting sport if you take the time to learn it and have a favourite team. I can't imagine how anyone could argue it's not. Basically one of the only sports where the tempo is up for nearly the entire game.

Whats that?
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