Creative Covers for Golf Review

Our readers know that The Hackers Paradise loves headcovers. We love them in all shapes and sizes from unique Scotty Cameron putter cover collectibles to cute cuddly bears that fit on our drivers. But one thing we like more than anything else is unique headcovers. They add a sense of customization to one’s bag and certainly are a coversation piece while on the course. Creative Covers for Golf fits the bill in both of those categories.

In the 1990’s Creature Comforts flourished with innovative new plush items both stock and custom designs. In 2000, Creature Comforts created its Golf Head Cover collection and Creative Covers for Golf was born. Today Creative Covers for Golf has become an industry leader and is sold throughout the World! One thing to note about this company is that they specialize in creating custom designs for corporations and organizations. On their site you can see examples of many of their works of art. Click here to check it out.

Click the pictures to enlarge
They also make quite a few headcovers that people can find for personal use. They have many licensed characters such as the ones above and tons more. Characters from places like Sesame Street, The Three Stooges, Super Heroes, and many more.
They even have cuddly animals like Mulligan the Monkey featured below. And of course something for the holidays. Here is their Santa Claus that they feature.
Construction of these designs overall is very good. All of the headcovers that they sent over to us are extremely durable and protect our clubs quite well. After all, despite being fun and making us smile, that is the point of a headcover. We were quite impressed with the ease they slipped on and off of the 460cc drivers of today. One thing to note, is that The Incredible Hulk and other super hero headcovers are much larger than the normal ones so it could cause a cramped bag if more than one was carried.

Creative Covers for Golf are available at many stores and online retailers. It is definitely a product worth checking out. They have something for just about anyone and their design quality and construction are worth seeing and feeling first hand. Golf is supposed to be fun and what says fun more than a headcover like this? You can read all about them and see all of the different covers they have at Creative Covers for Golf. Their website only sells wholesale but will give you an idea of all of their products to keep your eyes peeled for elsewhere.

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.