The Gethering '24: Golf and Steak and Cake and more

I will keep that in mind
Might not make it to Kinderlou but could play with you on the way down and you could spend the night too if needed. Just under 3 hours away from Valdosta.
Might not make it to Kinderlou but could play with you on the way down and you could spend the night too if needed. Just under 3 hours away from Valdosta.
Why not both? The real hangup is if I am driving down or not. If I do, I will probably be solo like I was a couple of years back, but we'll see.
I figured I would throw this out there, could my wife join us? She is a golfer as well and I am already getting to go to Ballyhack for the Mitsubishi Shaft experience without her. Chances of me making it to Valdosta are better if she can come.

BTW, her drink of choice post round is a nice IPA and after that she normally moves on to Vodka martini's. ;)
I don't see why not. The rooms have two beds, you'd just have any empty bed in the room.
I guess it's officially official.


I booked a hotel in Charlotte NC for Thursday October 3rd. Leaves me with a 7.5 hour drive to Kinderlou on Friday.

Booked the same one for Sunday night.
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Count us as a yes. Scott and Kathy, bunking together! ;-)